You’re a Grand Old Flag The Stars and Stripes During the Revolutionary War, American colonists under the rule of...Read More
America’s 243rd Birthday! We reflect on America, history’s exception and liberty’s home! I always consider the settlement of...Read More
The Last Full Measure On Memorial Day, we remember those who gave their “last full measure of devotion”...Read More
George Washington: The Eyeglasses That Saved America? George Washington addresses fellow officers of the Continental Army at Newburgh, New York, on...Read More
Jefferson: Advice From a Founding Father Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of Independence, third president of the United States,...Read More
Abraham Lincoln: The Last Best Hope of Earth By the end of 1862, the United States was in the middle of the...Read More
Fighting the Third Reich: The Battle of the Bulge Soldiers of the U.S. 101st Airborne in Bastogne, Belgium. 1939-1941 America did not enter...Read More