
The American experience is made possible because of the individual citizen who selflessly responds in times of unease.  World War I was such a time.

In 1917, a barber named Martin Treptow from small Cherokee, Iowa, enlisted in the army.  By December 1917, his regiment was sent to France to fight in the trenches of the Western Front. As a New Year’s resolution, Treptow wrote the following in his diary under the title “My Pledge:”

“America must win this war.  Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

In July 1918, a message needed to be delivered during an intense battle against the Germans. Treptow took the message and delivered it to his platoon leader. Exposing himself to enemy fire, he was killed by a German machine gun.  His diary was discovered with his personal belongings.

Treptow’s story and the pledge he wrote in his diary could have been lost to history. However, President Ronald Reagan brought Treptow’s story to light during his first inaugural address in 1981.  Below is a portion of that address that all Americans should hear:

Martin Treptow is not a name found in most history books. However, his story reminds us that America’s true makeup is found in the everyday acts of goodness and selflessness of anonymous Americans.

20 thoughts on “The Story of Martin Treptow

  1. Such an amazing and courageous hero! I love reading stories of those who fought and gave their all with such dignity and pride. There’s but a few that have the moral courage to fight and die for a cause such as this man. May God bless him and may he always Rest In Peace! Thank you brother!

  2. President Reagan understood the heart of the American people and Martin Treptow represented so many. What a brave young man. God Bless America.

    1. Yes Sir ! Hopefully , I will have that opportunity to meet Martin and many others who laid there lives down for this great county for which we live in .. God Bless him , and you as well Grant !

  3. I was unable to fight for my country due to physical limitations. But I did work frontline in one of the largest Sheriffs Offices for 40 years. Martin’s words brought tears of pride for this courageous soul. God blessed us with Martin and may God continue to bless the United States of America!

  4. It is so wonderful to see and hear President Reagan again and listen to his patriotic and inspiring words. Martin Treptow’s words are also deeply inspiring and they renew our pride our great country and the many who came before us and gave so much to make it so special in this world of ours.

    1. President Regan was a true Patriot, serving our Country with such Dignity! I Salute him as well as Martin Treptow and all the Patriots that gave so much to help hold up the Torches of Freedom!

  5. I do not remember where I heard the story of Martin Treptow but when I did the first time I did a google search on his name…. I had misspelled it… but google still found you and had listened to the records that PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN now TODAY for the second time and wanted to say thanks to you MARTIN for having sacrificed your life for me and every living AMERICAN…who may not know of your courage and dedication to the ideas of AMERICA .. while I know that AMERICA has its faults and has done some things that I am not proud of… I am proud to be an AMERICAN who has been able to live in FREEDOM … through not only your sacrifice buy the sacrifices of millions of others… for most of my life.. My only question I have is for how much longer will I and AMERICA REMAIN FREE? ONLY GOD knows that answer!

  6. Amen Sir! We are fighting for our existence as a Country now! May God help us overcome the Socialist, the radical, non Christian Politicians and misinformed, indoctrinated Citizens wearing blinders, that choose not to see what’s really happening in our great Country!

  7. I cry every time, I hear about, read about, hear of President Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address about a true courageous great human being hero story of Martin Treptow. God bless him, may he rest in peace for giving us true law abiding Americans a better life.

  8. Truly he was one of a kind. A regular humble man who is willing to give his life for the sake of the nation. If not him who else. He knew what he was doing and the risk he was facing. His actions matched his dairy.
    A remarkable man
    May God bless him

  9. Thank you Vernon Stapleton for tyring to wake people up and realize some of the leaders in command are leading us down the wrong path. Maybe they have never read Martin Treptows diary.

  10. What a story of an unselfish heroic young man who gave his life for his country. May his name and his pledge never be lost to time.

  11. I thank everyone for their kind words. Martin A. Treptow was my grandfather’s brother. The American Legion posts in Bloomer, Wisconsin, and Cherokee, Iowa, are named in his honor. The family was also able to secure Martin’s WWI Victory medal and Purple Heart last year and donated them to the Legion.

    1. Mr. Treptow,
      Thank you for sharing this information. Your great-uncle’s story is an inspiration to generations of Americans. May God bless you and your family.

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